Recent family-related news included a deep dive into how to improve your relationship, pet custody issues when divorcing, a look at whether stay at home parents should get paid, a literary view of marriage via Jane Austen and marriage interviews being used by federal agents as a way to detain people.
How to Actually Follow Through on the Relationship Advice You Get Vanessa Marin, The New York Times, September 20, 2019 This article contains detailed tips to help you follow through on relationship advice and cultivate a happier and healthier relationship.
After a Divorce, Who Gets the Dog? Steven Petrow, The New York Times, October 3, 2019 Are pets just another marital asset? “There is nothing in statute directing judges to treat a pet differently from any other type of property we own,” a California assemblyman, Bill Quirk, noted in 2018 while advocating the change in law. Now three states — Illinois, Alaska and, effective this year, California — have amended their family code to treat pets differently from other types of marital assets.
Stay-at-Home Parents Work Hard. Should They Be Paid? Claire Cain Miller, The New York Times, October 3, 2019 It’s not uncommon in the United States for two parents to spend long hours working hard — but the one who works outside the home is paid for it, while the one who does housework and child care is paid nothing…Now several Democratic presidential candidates are proposing that parents who stay home to care for children are paid too.
What Jane Austen Thought Marriage Couldn’t Do Shannon Chamberlain, The Atlantic, October 3, 2019 …Austen wrote her six novels as the institution of marriage was undergoing a shift—to being less about social and financial networks and more about love…Miserable married lives abound in Austen’s writings, from the badly matched Bennets at one end of the spectrum to the more ordinary, harried type of married parents who seem appallingly familiar to us moderns. Federal agents are using marriage interviews as an immigration trap, lawsuit says Associated Press, NBC News, October 8, 2019 Federal regulations allow U.S. citizens to try to legalize the status of spouses who has been living in the country illegally…However, the American Civil Liberties Union says a growing number of officers have “cruelly twisted” the rules by detaining immigrant spouses directly following marriage interviews.
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