This week’s family related news included data revealing connections between jobs and divorce, a discussion of a new novel focused on the “empty nest” syndrome, updated information related to the Netflix series “Thirteen Reasons Why,” reflections on the pain of miscarriage, questions about the adequacy of mental health services on college campuses, proposed California legislation concerning a later school start time, a look at the role of the enterprising photographer capturing City Hall marriages, thoughts from an older mother on parenting, and finally a deep dive into the relationship between New York City’s foster care and Family Court systems.
How Often People With Creative Jobs Divorce Staff, Co.Design, July 31, 2017 A new infographic, by Nathan Yau of the website Flowing Data, looks at the connections between job types and divorce rates based on data from the 2015 American Community Survey.
In New Novel, Tom Perrotta Shares ‘Post-Parental’ Reflections From An Empty Nest Terry Gross, NPR, July 31, 2017 It’s a time-honored tradition for novelists to draw material from their own lives… Tom Perrotta’s kids are grown and he’s turned his attention to the empty nest.
Did ‘13 Reasons Why’ Spark a Suicide Contagion Effect? Sophie Gilbert, The Atlantic, August 1, 2017 Within days of the release of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix’s teen-oriented drama about a high-school student who takes her own life, the show was being loudly criticized by suicide-prevention experts, who were concerned it could lead to a suicide-contagion effect and a spate of copycat attempts. Now, research published at the end of July argues that those concerns may have been founded. Google queries about suicide rose by almost 20 percent in 19 days after the show came out, representing between 900,000 and 1.5 million more searches than usual regarding the subject.
‘I Was Somebody’s Mother’: Reflections On The Guilt And Grief Of Miscarriage Terry Gross, NPR, August 1, 2017 New Yorker staff writer Ariel Levy was five months pregnant when she went to Mongolia on assignment. While there she suffered a miscarriage at five months. After her son’s death, her spouse checked into rehab and their marriage dissolved…The one aspect of Levy’s life that remained unchanged was her identity as a writer…She and Terry Gross discuss Levy’s new memoir, The Rules Do Not Apply, which describes her experiences with guilt, grief and with moving on.
Trying To Understand ‘What Made Maddy Run’ Aisha Change, NPR, August 2, 2017 Madison appeared to be thriving in college…But inside, she was struggling with anxiety and depression. Then, in the middle of her freshman year, Madison ended her life by jumping from a building in the middle of downtown Philadelphia. The suicide raised a lot of questions about mental health on college campuses…”
California Today: Should the School Day Start Later? Mike McPhate, New York Times, August 2, 2017 A state bill has been introduced that would require California’s middle and high schools to begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m., a policy favored by the American Academy of Pediatrics. An array of benefits are noted — including better grades, reduced risk of depression and fewer vehicle accidents. However, opposition exists.
Need a Wedding Photographer? Try the City Clerk’s Office Vivian Wang, The New York Times, August 2, 2017 Photographers gather outside of the clerk’s office to provide a photographic memory of a couple’s marital union…they often provide more.
With a Glimpse of Mortality, Losing Sight of the Wild Rebecca Swanson,The New York Times, August 4, 2017 For the most part, I love being a mom-of-advanced-maternal-age. I was 37 when my first son slid into this world and into my arms, and 40 when my second son showed his face…; maybe it is my son’s epilepsy, not my age that makes me nervous.
When Should a Child be Taken from His Parents? Larissa MacFarquhar, The New Yorker, August 7, 2017 The Administration for Children Services (ACS) gathers and presents information concerning NYC families, who have come to their attention, to family court judges. The judges must decide whether the risks at home outweigh the risks of separating a family.
To suggest articles for inclusion in the FamilyKind Weekly Roundup please email us at info@familykind.org.