Last week’s family-related news coverage included back to school tips for all ages, musings on being a stepmother, how babies view eating, an essay on dating as a single parent, the impact of affordable childcare on our economy, and tips on how to talk to children when a parent is dying.
20 Databases to Get You Back to School Meredith Mann, New York Public Library, August 22, 2016 Besides the textbooks and school supplies, there are plenty of resources online to help you with your studies.
Why Do We Judge Parents For Putting Kids at Perceived — But Unreal — Risk? Tania Lombrozo, NPR, August 22, 2016 A look at research showing people’s factual judgment of much danger a child is in while a parent is away varies according to the extent of their moral outrage.
I’m a Stepmother, And I Hate It NPR Staff, NPR, August 21, 2016 The advice I get from everyone is that I knew what I was getting into when I got married, so I should accept it. But I didn’t anticipate things being the way they are.
Babies Watching People Eat Katherine Kinzler, The New York Times, August 19, 2016 Even 1-year-olds know that our food choices depend on our social or cultural group.
A Single Mom Escapes the Friend Zone, One Non-Date at a Time Sharon Harrigan, The New York Times, August 19, 2016 With parenthood dampening her romantic options, a woman changes her strategy.
Affordable Child Care: The Secret to a Better Economy The Editorial Board, The New York Times, August 19, 2016 This win-win helps to raise earnings now and increase productivity over the long term while enriching the lives of children.
Talking to Children When a Parent is Dying Ersilia M. Defilippis, MD, The New York Times, August 18, 2016 As doctors, we struggle with telling patients and family members bad news. It is a difficult but integral part of our job.
For Freshman, Campus Life Poses New Risks Lisa Heffernan and Jennifer Breheny Wallace, The New York Times, August 17, 2016 Experts’ advice on how parents can help freshmen safely navigate those risky early weeks of college, while still respecting their independence.
To suggest articles for inclusion in the FamilyKind Weekly News Roundup please email us at info@familykind.org