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July 23, 2018

Recent family-related news included a three minute video detailing the effects on a young child’s brain when separated from his/her parent, how traditional married couples report earnings when the wife earns more than the husband, Arizona’s new law regarding embryos of divorcing couples, strategies for the growing number of people entering into prenups and some tips for people considering buying “an intergenerational” home.

Separation and a Child’s Brain Ari Daniel, PBS NOVA, June 27, 2018 In May and June of 2018, over 2,000 migrant children were forcibly separated from their parents after crossing the U.S./Mexico border. The separations may have long-term health implications, stemming from psychological and social trauma. What exactly happens in the brain of the child during separation, and is it possible to ever recover?

Couples Fudge Earnings When Wives Outearn Husbands Andrew Soergel, U.S. News & World Report, July 17, 2018 Women earn more money than their husbands in nearly a quarter of U.S. marriages, according to a new analysis from the Census Bureau. But when they do, husbands are statistically more likely to overreport their own incomes while women undercut their pocketed earnings.

Arizona Law Awards Custody of Embryos to Partner Who Wants Child After Divorce Alexa Lardieri, U.S. News & World Report, July 19, 2018 A new Arizona law grants custody of the frozen embryos of divorced couples to whichever partner intends to have a child after the separation. The controversial law went into effect this month and requires that legal custody of the frozen embryos is given to the partner who wishes to help the embryos “develop to birth.” According to Senate Bill 1393, the partner not awarded custody of the embryos “has no parental responsibility …and no right, obligation or interest with respect to” the child and no obligation of child support.

Read This Before You Sign a Prenuptial Agreement Christopher Elliott, Forbes, July 19, 2018 Prenuptial agreements are a hot topic now, whether you’re engaged, happily married, or unhappily married. It’s a good time to think about a prenuptial agreement. The number of couples signing a prenup is on the rise, according to a recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

What to Know Before Buying a Home with Your Parents Claire Zulkey, The New York Times, July 20, 2018 A record 64 million Americans now live in a “multigenerational home,” according to a Pew Research Center report, up from 32.2 million in 1950.It is suggested before creating a multigenerational home, do your research and consider a “house prenup” for finances and an exit strategy in case someone decides to move out.

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